Open Your Business Rules!                     
Rules-based Operational Decision Services

Product News and Release History


    (latest news shown first)

bullet Feb 19, 2025. Release 10.5.0 integrates OpenRules with MS SharePoint and Amazon S3.

bullet Nov 22, 2024. Release 10.4.1 adds several useful features for building more flexible JSON interfaces for OpenRules-based decision services.

bullet Aug 1, 2024. Release 10.4.0 is the Long-Term-Support (LTS) release built in accordance with OpenRules Lifetime Release Policy.
bullet May 1, 2024. Release 10.3.0 adds an ability to create complex expressions using predefined functions for collections of objects. Now it is also possible to use external JSON files directly to test decision models.
bullet Jan 17, 2024. Release 10.1.0 comes with essentially enhanced RuleSolver and RuleDB, plus various improvements of the core product. See Release Notes.
bullet Sep 18-20, 2023. OpenRules presented “Declarative Decision Modeling with Rule Solver" (Slides Recording) at DecisionCAMP-2023.
bullet July 20, 2023. Release 10.0 essentially changes the internal structure of the generated Java code to support newly introduced OpenRules features such as dynamically defined decision variables with the qualifier “Of”, advanced “for-each” loops, SpringBoot 3, JDKs versions 1.8, 11, and 17+ with Jakarta, better control over case sensitivity, and more.
bullet Apr 23, 2023. Release 9.1.1 upgrades 3rd party software packages to prevent potential vulnerabilities, adds nested loops, and a few more helpful features.
bullet Jan 23, 2023. Release 9.1.0 essentially simplifies iterations over collection of business objects.
bullet Nov 23, 2022. Release 9.0.0 is a major release that comes with an advanced Graphical Explorer and Debugger as a foundation of OpenRules Interactive Decision Modeling Environment. New Intro Video. Try it for free
bullet July 1, 2022. Release 8.5.3 adds several advanced features such as simplified iterations over collections of objects, new operators, multiple rules in CSV-based decision tables, dependency upgrades, and more.
bullet June 30, 2022. OpenRules presented “How Business Analysts Represent and Debug Complex Decisioning Logic” at BBC-2022
bullet Apr 25, 2022. Release 8.5.2: advanced handling of CSV files with Big Tables, controlling memory size for large Decision Projects, using quotes for text values, and fixing a few bugs.
bullet Mar 28, 2022. Release 8.5.1 provides new reports to show the structure of complex  Decision Projects, upgrades of 3rd party packages. “Handling Large Payloads with OpenRules-based AWS Lambda video
bullet Mar 1, 2022. Release 8.5.0 comes with many new features which make OpenRules Decision Manager even friendlier to subject matter experts and even faster to execute large input data sets.
bullet Dec 21, 2021 - Jan 2, 2022. Release of OpenRules Decision Manager fixes the latest Apache Log4J vulneraibilities using Log4J 2.17.1. We recommend our customers to modify their pom.xml files using log4j 2.17.1 and OpenRules Decision Manager

ClassicOpenRules Classic is not impacted as it uses the old Log4j 1.2.15. The latest Release 8.4.3 of Classic OpenRules upgrades its Apache POI dependency to  5.0.0.

bullet November 11, 2021. Release 8.4.2 essentially improves the validation and error reporting for OpenRules repositories
bullet August 23, 2021. Release 8.4.1 is about “Securing OpenRules Decision Services” using JWT Authentication and SSL communication
bullet June 25, 2021. New Release 8.4.0 essentially enhances deployment capabilities including: deploying decision models as MS Azure Functions; building RESTful web services with OpenRules REST, building custom AWS Lambda functions to support CI/CD Pipelines, automatic generation of JSON test cases, and more.
bullet April 12, 2021. New Release 8.3.2 includes a performance benchmark that demonstrates how OpenRules can execute 1,000,000 requests within 12 seconds! Read more
bullet March 3, 2021. New Release 8.3.1 includes a powerful while easy-to-use graphical Rule Debugger oriented to business users. Watch the video and read more.

bullet January 24, 2021. New Release 8.3.0 of OpenRules Decision Manager comes with a Graphical Integrated Decision Modeling Environment called "Decision Model Explorer". It automatically builds decision model diagrams, opens Excel files associated with different nodes, and allows business people to modify, test, and deploy their decision models from one place. Watch the video and read more.

bullet November 24, 2020. ProcessMaker and OpenRules announced a new partnership. “OpenRules is recognized as the clear leader in decision systems in the world today,” said Brian Reale, Founder and CEO of ProcessMaker. “But besides its sheer power, we loved the fact that OpenRules decision tables can be built in Excel and then uploaded to AWS with the click of a button. There is no software to install or manage, and it works natively in ProcessMaker. You just can’t beat that.”

bullet November 19, 2020. OpenRules announced  a new product "Rule DB"  that allows business decision models to directly access relational databases with the power of SQL preserved in new Excel-based tables "DataSQL". You may freely download it and try many examples from Read about more advances at Release 8.2.1 Notes.

bullet October 1, 2020. OpenRules announced "SaaS Rule Learner", a cloud-based tool for subject matter experts who want to apply Machine Learning to generate business rules from their historical data. No installation or preliminary ML knowledge is required. Watch video
Try it from

bullet August 25, 2020. OpenRules announced the new open-sourced product "Rule Learner" available for free from It adds Machine Learning capabilities to OpenRules Decision Manager allowing business analysts to describe their historical records in simple Excel tables and Rule Learner will automatically discover business rules capable to classify similar new records. See an introductiry example. Rule Learner naturally supports ever-learning decisioning processes.

bullet June 15, 2020. New OpenRules Decision Manager Release 8.2.0 simplifies the installation process for Windows, Mac and Linux, allows free downloads of various sample projects, improves decision explanations by beatifying the execution protocol, and adds several more features requested by our customers. Read Release Notes and an updated User Manual

bullet May 11, 2020. New Release 8.1.2 of OpenRules Decision Manager provides a brand new execution mechanism that improves performance of very big decision tables 10-100 times! At the same time OpenRules, Inc. cuts the run-time license fee 10 times! Read more

bullet Apr 24, 2020. Learn how to build an complete Decision Optimization Service available as AWS Lambda:
- Scheduling GUI
 developed mainly in Excel with OpenRules Dialog templates and deployed at AWS EC2 instance
- Scheduling Decision Service developed using JavaSolver and deployed as AWS Lambda function by applying OpenRules Decision Manager's one-click deployment mechanism.
Try the online "Worker Scheduler". Read more


Apr 2, 2020. In these uncertain times, to do our part we want to help US businesses of all types and sizes, especially health organizations to quickly make important decisions. OpenRules offers immediate assistance in creation and deployment of your decisions services. If you need a quick implementation of optimization decision services, we will help you to define and resolve your problem with the freely available Java Solver. If you want to quickly create a rules-based decision service and deploy it to AWS cloud, we will give you a 3 months free access to our SaaS Rule Engine. Contact us at and we will setup a call to discuss how we can help.

bullet Mar 3, 2020. OpenRules Decision Manager became the first SaaS Rule Engine available in AWS Marketplace - see Press Release.

bullet Feb 1, 2020. OpenRules Release 8.1.0 essentially enhances both OpenRules Decision Manager and classic OpenRules BRDMS making them faster and easier to deploy as AWS Lambda, RESTful Web Services or Docker containers.  See the newly supported architecture. See Release Notes
bullet Oct 1, 2019. OpenRules Decision Manager 8.0.2 supports ONE-CLICK AWS LAMBDA DEPLOYMENT! Business analysts (!) now can deploy their business decision models created in Excel as AWS Lambda decision services with a simple click on “deployAWS.bat“! No coding or knowledge of AWS environment is required. Read more
bullet Aug 29, 2019. OpenRules Decision Manager Release 8.0.1 can automatically deploys classical business decision models on-cloud as AWS Lambda functions without coding. It also includes a user-friendly Rules Debugger.
Read more  
bullet Aug 1, 2019. OpenRules announced an availability of the new product "Decision Manager" that has   been developed specifically for modern enterprises allowing their business analysts to create, deploy, and manage Business Decision Services on cloud, on premise, or even on smartphones. It comes with a completely new execution mechanism that is extremely fast, takes almost no time to start, and essentially reduces the memory footprint. It perfectly fits the requirements of modern containerized decision microservices.

OpenRules also announced the availability of the new release 8.0.0 of its Classic OpenRules BRDMS that includes many new features requested by customers - Release Notes 8.0.0. It is important that both products can efficiently execute the same Business Decision Models created using MS Excel or Google Sheets in accordance with OpenRules Goal-Oriented Decision Modeling approach described in this book

bullet July 8, 2019. A new tutorial "Creating OpenRules Decision Microservices with Maven, SpringBoot and Docker" is available for free downloads. It shows how to "mavenize" an OpenRules workspace, create a SpringBoot project and add to it OpenRules-based microservices, and finally how to deploy them with Docker. You may download a new workspace called "" included in the evaluation version.

bullet May 7, 2019. OpenRules Release 7.0.1 provides support for Decision Microservices incorporated into the popular Spring framework. Read the new tutorial "Developing Decision Microservices with Spring Boot and OpenRules" and try to run the demo microservice "GreetingService" by downloading the new workspace called "openrules.spring" now included in the evaluation version. Release 7.0.1 also simplifies an access to data defined is Excel.

bullet Feb 21, 2019. A new OpenRules guide "Goal-Oriented Decision Modeling with OpenRules" has been published at Amazon. It is oriented to business people who want to build their own operational decision models. As the another guide "DMN in Action", it is accompanied by free evaluation software available from here. Read more about OpenRules Books.

bullet Dec 31, 2018. OpenRules, Inc. announced new Migration Services specifically designed to help customers who want migrate their existing (or new) rules-based systems to OpenRules. Starting January-2019 OpenRules is essentially expanding its technical support and consulting services to help customers migrating to OpenRules.

bullet Nov 6-9, 2018. OpenRules was a sponsor and exhibitor at the major annual conference BBC-2018 in San Antonio. Together with our customer, a major California bank, we presented the results of successful development "Replacing Legacy Bank Account Management System Using Business Rules" that won the first Business Rules Excellence Awards (BREA). 

bullet Oct 16, 2018. A major California bank, facing looming regulatory deadlines, needed to develop a highly dynamic web application to support the bank’s complex customer account management processes. The integrated use of OpenRules’ s rule and rendering engines became the foundation for the successful and quick implementation. OpenRules nominated this real-world application to the first Business Rules Excellence Award. This success story was selected as a winner of the 2018 Awards. This is a significant achievement for the Bank and OpenRules.
bullet Sep 17-19, 2018. OpenRules was successfully presented at the DecisionCAMP-2018 and LuxLogAI in Luxembourg. See the related presentations.

bullet Aug 8, 2018. OpenRules Release 7.0.0 is a major release that essentially simplifies and at the same time enhances OpenRules decision modeling capabilities. Now OpenRules-based decision models are capable of recognizing their own internal structure, discovering and publishing all supporting business goals, and they can automatically calculate their execution paths. Watch these videos:
- Building and Executing Decision Models with OpenRules 7.0.0
- Goal-Oriented Business Decision Modeling with OpenRules

bullet June 2, 2018. Preview capabilities of the upcoming release OpenRules-7 described in the implementation of the decision model "Credit Card Application"
bullet Feb 18, 2018. A new design of our website provides a better support for mobile and tablets. It's loaded with cool features which hopefully will be appreciated by our customers and visitors. If you notice any issues, please report them to

bullet October 25, 2017. OpenRules Release 6.4.3 generates new, more compact execution reports with explanations, adds decision importing to integrate loosely coupled decision models, allows using lists along with arrays and extends various operators on them, enhances date/time manipulations and adds more features requested by customers.

bullet May 20, 2017. OpenRules Release 6.4.2 adds new decision modeling capabilities including: "DecisionTableAssign" to  simplify multiple assignments; "DecisionTableIterate" to simplify iteration over arrays of business objects; "DecisionTableSort" to support array sorting.


Feb 16, 2017. A new book "DMN in Action with OpenRules" has been published. This is a practical guide for development of Business Rules and Decision Management Applications using DMN and OpenRules. Click on the book cover on the left to order the book from Amazon for just $9.95. Read more at


Dec 20, 2016. OpenRules Release 6.4.1 introduces "Why-Analyzer", a new graphical interface that allows business analysts to analyze the results produced by their DMN-based decision models.The workspace "openrules.dmn" includes many examples completely oriented to business users without a need for any additional tool but Excel. Release 6.4.1 comes with enhanced Eclipse Plugin that supports latest Eclipse releases. It also adds support for Long variables for very large integers. See a brief video 


Nov 1-4, 2016. OpenRules successfully exhibited and presented at BBC-2016 in Las Vegas. See OpenRules® presentation "WHY" and "WHAT-IF" Buttons for Business Decision Management


July 20, 2016. The Release 6.4.0 supports major expressions defined by DMN FEEL 1.1 and is capable to extract all decision tables from a DMN XML file and generate the proper OpenRules decision tables in Excel.  See details at Release 6.4.0 Notes.


July 8, 2016. OpenRules "What-If Analyzer" wins 10th International Rule Challenge Award at RuleML-2016.


Dec 20, 2015. OpenRules Release 6.3.4 introduces a new add-on called "What-If Analyzer" that supports real-time what-if analysis of decision models by activating/deactivating business rules. A user may immediately see the changes in the affected decision variables and decision outcomes. It allows a user to find multiple and optimal solutions. It also adds support for BigDecimals.


Nov 2-6, 2015. OpenRules was an exhibitor and a presenter at BBC-2015. You may see our presentation "Good Old UServ Product Derby in the Brave New World of Decision Management" and the proper demonstration. See a photo from the "DMN at BBC" meeting


May 15, 2015. A new Release 6.3.3 allows a user to generate Java interfaces for decision models that already were created and tested using only Excel files. It also adds new features to OpenRules Dialog and deprecates the global method dialog(). We also added new standard operators and fixed several bugs.


December 5, 2014. OpenRules Release 6.3.2 adds enhanced features to OpenRules Dialog for generation of highly dynamic questionnaires and new decisioning and problem solving capabilities requested by customers. The Release 6.3.2 comes with many new sample projects that demonstrate the practical use of OpenRules BRDMS.


Oct-Nov, 2014. OpenRules will be a sponsor and a presenter at the major international Decision Management events DecisionCAMP-2014 and BBC-2014. Read more


May 18, 2014. Release 6.3.1 enhances OpenRules testing facilities with automatic comparison of expected and actual decision execution results, handling Excel files in the XLSX format wit the latest Apache POI, additional macros and other features requested by customers.


April 25, 2014. OpenRules Sandbox has been enhanced and made more user-friendly. You may select and execute standard decision models or upload and execute your own models defined completely in Excel. Try it from this URL.


March 27, 2014.James Taylor, CEO at DecisionMgtSolutions, presented a bureau strategy decision model from the DMN Primer at "bpmNext" using
- Signavio for business process diagramming
- DecisionFirst Modeler for high-level decision modeling
- OpenRules for rules representation and execution. >
The demonstration is available from here. See the complete implementation in Excel and execute the proper decision model directly from the OpenRules Sandbox.


February 10, 2014. OpenRules Release 6.3.0 essentially simplifies OpenRules expression language  by introducing macros, enhancing the standard decision templates, and making all decisioning constructs thread-safe.


December 10, 2013. OpenRules Release 6.2.6 advances OpenRules BDMS with the following features:

* Invocation of Sub-Decisions and Decision Tables by Name

* Initial DMN Implementation

* Generating Excel Workbooks with OpenRules Decision Tables.

bullet October 13, 2013. OMG made the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) Specification 1.0 publicly available on Sep 26, 2013. Today OpenRules published the first implementation of the DMN 1.0 Primer based on the Loan Origination example described in the Section 10 of the Specification. You may read its description here, analyze it for free and without any downloads from here, or download the DMN 1.0 Primer project from here and do your own experiments by changing Excel-based decisions, executing the decision model, and analyzing the results.

bullet August 26, 2013. Release 6.2.5 enhances OpenRules BDMS with the following functionality: business rules defined on collections of objects; decision tables for comparing ranking lists; new features in OpenRules-based web applications; advanced logging API; fixed bugs, and more - see Release Notes

bullet May 9, 2013. OpenRules Release 6.2.4 advances OpenRules BDMS with additional features initiated by the real-world use of previous releases: http authentication, extended date formats, use of decision variables with "not applicable" values, enhanced access to XML data, and more sophisticated execution reports. Read Release Notes

bullet May 7, 2013. Webinar with James Taylor: Creating and Managing Executable Decision Models with DecisionFirst Modeler and OpenRules
bullet January 9, 2013. OpenRules Release 6.2.3 adds new features such as generation of decision execution reports in the HTML format, an ability to create more compact decision tables with new templates, advanced interfaces for external rules, and more. Read Release Notes

bullet October 15, 2012. We added a tutorial "Cloud Application Development" and a new project workspace "" with examples of OpenRules web applications deployed on the cloud. It is available as a part of the complete OpenRules installation.
bullet September 24, 2012. OpenRules Release 6.2.2 adds new features that allow a user to customize decisions and decision runs, to create custom decision tables, and to incorporate decisions in web dialogs. Read Release Notes
bullet September 12, 2012. OpenRules, Inc. successfully completed two contracts with IRS related to the integrated use of machine learning and business rules technologies. See what IRS management says in the final report

bullet August 1, 2012. Over the course of the last few years, OpenRules is constantly gaining in popularity adding more and more customers including large international corporations and government agencies, new partners and resellers worldwide. See the actual statistics from 2004 to 2012 in our blog.
bullet June 3, 2012. OpenRules Release 6.2.1 adds new functionality for Database Integration, Web Services, more decision tables operators, an optimization mode for Rule Solver , enhanced documentation. Release Notes.
bullet OpenRules, Inc. is selected to present at the World Congress on Decision Tables that is a part of the BBC 2012. As usual, OpenRules, Inc. will be a sponsor of this largest BR event.
bullet March 5, 2012. OpenRules Release 6.2.0 adds a new inferential rule engine: an enhanced Rule Solver provides powerful constraint-based tools for decision management. OpenRules 6.2.0 also advances the existing decision models and web dialogs.  Release Notes
bullet February 28, 2012. JCP Executive Committee approved the final release of the standard JSR-331 "Constraint Programming API". OpenRules CTO Dr. Feldman is the Specification Lead for this standard. Read more.

bullet December 20, 2011. OpenRules Release 6.1.3 enhances OpenRules Executable Decisions with new functionality required by real-world applications. Read more

bullet September 11, 2011. OpenRules Release 6.1.2 is a minor release that extends the Decisioning functionality and fixes several bugs found in the latest releases. Read more
bullet August 8, 2011. OpenRules Release 6.1.1 advances the Executable Decisions by providing new features, the detailed user manual and new tutorials, and fixing some bugs.  Read more
bullet July 5, 2011. Forrester Research: "OpenRules have the most-aggressive approaches to business-expert authoring and typically requires less developer support than IBM ILOG, FICO Blaze Advisor, and JBoss BRMS. Market Overview: Business Rules Platforms 2011
bullet May 12, 2011. James Taylor published articles devoted to OpenRules® BRMS:
- General Overview
- Rule Solver
- Rule Learner.
bullet March 4, 2011. OpenRules Release 6.0.1 is a major milestone that supports Executable Decisions created and tested by business analysts without coding and IT involvement. Read more
bullet October 26, 2010. OpenRules Release 5.4.1 introduces a new version of Rule Solver that allows a user to define and solve constraint satisfaction and optimization problems.
bullet October 17-21, 2010. OpenRules and General Intelletics presented "Large Scale Intelligent Checklists with OpenRules BRMS" at The Business Rules Forum, Washington DC. 
bullet October 14, 2010. KPI and OpenRules ran a successful boot camp at the RulesFest in San Jose.
bullet October 13, 2010. OpenRules presented a new experimental framework "Connecting the Dots" at the RulesFest-2010
bullet September 22, 2010. Java Community Process (JCP) announced today at JavaOne Conference in San Francisco that JSR-331 "Constraint Programming API" won JCP Award "The Most Innovative JSR of 2010". OpenRules CTO Jacob Feldman is the Specification Lead of this JSR. A newly redesigned Rule Solver will be based on the JSR-331.

bullet July 29, 2010. Knowledge Partners International, LLC and OpenRules, Inc. announced that they will jointly present a live primer of The Decision Model at the RulesFest in October 2010. See press release.
bullet July 10, 2010. OpenRules, Inc. successfully completed the IRS contract "Machine Learning Models Research and Development with NRP and LMSB Data"
bullet June 29, 2010. OpenRules Release 5.4.0 provides a live primer for the Decision Model, support for password-protected Excel files, and a few enhancements and bug fixes.
bullet May 20, 2010. OpenRules and Knowledge Partners International will host an Executable Decision Model bootcamp at the RulesFest in October 2010.
bullet May 11-13, 2010. OpenRules successfully conducted hands-on training at The Wyndham Garden Hotel, Newark Airport, NJ. OpenRules expresses  its appreciation to a new customer Nishikawa Corporation for supporting this event.
bullet December-2009. OpenRules BRMS has been selected by Arc Worldwide, which provides marketing services to such clients as Procter & Gamble, United Airlines, and McDonald's. Arc Worldwide develops and manages direct marketing and promotional campaigns and point-of-sale marketing efforts. Arc operates through more than 40 offices located around the world. It is a unit of Leo Burnett, a global ad agency of French conglomerate.
bullet October 15, 2009. OpenRules Release 5.3.2 has been introduced together with a new OpenRules product "ORD" that is a special add-on for building complex, rules-based questionnaires. Read more

bullet September 20, 2009. OpenRules is proud to announce that the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) awarded OpenRules, Inc. with a new government contract "Machine Learning Models Research and Development with NRP and LMSB Data.
bullet September 4, 2009. OpenRules, Inc. became an official supplier of BRMS software and services for Fiserv, Inc., the world’s largest service provider to banks, credit unions, and lending institutions. OpenRules effectively supports Fiserv's financial electronic commerce services including receiving and paying bills online through 15,000 retail outlets.
bullet July 1, 2009. OpenRules Rel ease 5.3.1 improves OpenRules effectiveness in multi-threaded environments by supporting real parallelism.  Read more.

bullet June 24, 2009. OpenRules announced a fast-support online service Live Assist. Upon your request an OpenRules expert conducts a remote session addressing your particular problem by studying it with you on your own computer.
bullet May 2, 2009. OpenRules, Inc. successfully completed Phase 2 of the government contract “Integrating Machine Learning Models With Business Rules Environment” issued by the National Headquarters Office of Research, Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 
bullet March 16, 2009. The new Release 5.3.0 introduces External Rules, allowing a user to create and maintain business rules outside Excel files: in DB, XML, GUI, Java, and custom sources. Read more.
bullet March 4, 2009. OpenRules has been nominated as a finalist for the Best Developer Tool category of the Eclipse Community Awards.
bullet January 20, 2009. OpenRules 5.2 provides an important update for the underlying Apache POI API that is used to access Microsoft format files. The new release switches to the latest POI 3.2 FINAL. Read more here.
bullet December 8, 2008. OpenRules CTO presented "A Unified Business Interface for Modeling and Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems" at the OMG Technical Meeting in Santa Clara, CA
bullet October 26-30, 2008. OpenRules was a sponsor at the 11th Business Rules Forum in Orlando with two successful presentations: 1) Integrated Business Rules and Constraint Programming Technologies for EDM;  2) Applying Business Rules to Complex Patent Data Processing - EPO Experience

bullet October 22-25, 2008. OpenRules participated in October Rules Fest in Dallas presenting "Using Constraint Programming in Business Rules Environments
bullet September 12, 2008. The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) awarded OpenRules, Inc. with a new contract. The new contract is the second phase of the successfully completed project Integrating Machine Learning Models With Business Rules Environment” issued by the National Headquarters Office of Research, Washington DC

bullet August 25, 2018. OpenRules 5.1.0 simplifies the creation and maintenance of enterprise-class business rules repositories. Using advanced rule templates, OpenRules customers may specify rules implementation logic in a few templates and reuse it in multiple business rules categories.  With 5.1 you may define default rules directly in templates, support partial rules implementations and optional rule conditions and actions making rules repository more stable and flexible.

bullet June 1, 2008. OpenRules has published Step-By-Step Tutorials for different development frameworks including Google GWT, Spring, Apache Tomcat, BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere and RAD.

bullet April 20, 2008. OpenRules 5.0.2 is a minor release that adds more functionality to the JSR-94 reference implementation, restores JDK 1.4 backward compatibility, and fixes some bugs
bullet March 29, 2008. OpenRules-5,a new major release that introduces Rule Templates has been announced.  OpenRules Release 5.0  essentially simplifies rules repository construction and management and expedites initialization and execution of the OpenRules Engine.  See Release Notes 5.0
bullet European Patent Office and OpenRules will do the presentation "Applying Business Rules to Complex Patent Data Processing - EPO Experience" at The 11th International Business Rules Forum
bullet January 14, 2008. Release 4.1.2 provides important bug fixes for handling Excel dates and merged cells - read release notes
bullet has successfully completed November 13, 2007. OpenRules, Inc. has successfully completed successfully completed the US IRS contract “Automating Business Rules Creation Using Machine Learning Models” issued by the National Headquarters Office of Research, Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  Read more
bullet October 29, 2007. Dennis Byron, Analyst, ebizQ, published a review "Open Source Business Intelligence Megatrends", in which he describes OpenRules Rules-based BI: "OpenRules is an example of a rules-based OSS BI application. It offers a methodology, along with OSS tools and professional services for business analysts rather than or in concert with developers. This is an interesting approach and an approach that will be important in the long run to grow all categories of OSS applications." Read the entire  review
bullet October 21-24, 2007. OpenRules, Inc.'s booth was among the most popular places at the 10th Business Rules Forum in Orlando, FL. Read more
bullet October 10, 2007. OpenRules announced Rule Compressor, a new add-on that employs integrated machine learning and business rules techniques to automatically compress complex classification rules.  Rule Compressor may effectively minimize the number of rules and/or simplify their structure by automatically discovering new thresholds and eliminating non-essential attributes.  OpenRules offers rules compression and optimization services regardless of the rule engine being used by the customer.
bullet September 28, 2007. Vero Insurance New Zealand selected OpenRules for its enterprise-class business rules management system.  Vero subscribed to OpenRules technical support and acquired a package of OpenRules commercial licenses
bullet September 20, 2007. OpenRules Release 4.1.1 is a minor release that adds new features mainly to OpenRules Forms and tunes OpenRules to work with the latest versions of 3rd party products
bullet July 20, 2007. OpenRules Release 4.0 is a major release that adds advanced features such as single-hit decision tables, direct access to rules saved in databases with built-in version control, use of natural language expressions, and more
bullet May 18, 2007. OpenRules signed a licensing and support agreement with Thomson Global Resources, a leading global provider of integrated solutions in the fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The agreement allows Thomson Medstat to use and distribute OpenRules® as a business rules repository for Advantage Suite®, a powerful, decision support tool linked to a comprehensive, integrated warehouse of medical claims and encounter data, pharmaceutical drug utilization, eligibility information, and performance measures.
bullet March 2, 2007. Software House International (SHI) became an official OpenRules reseller with the sale of OpenRules commercial licenses and support packages to Blue Shield of California.
bullet February 7, 2007. Business Rules Journal published  "Business Rules Forum 2006 Vendor Panel ~ The Future is Now". Six BR vendors including OpenRules shared their vision of the future and the very real possibilities of today. Read here
bullet November 15, 2006. Dresdner Bank acquired OpenRules support packages and commercial licenses for its enterprise-class financial application.
bullet November 5-9, 2006. OpenRules successfully presented Open Source Rules at the 9th Business Rules Forum in Washington, DC. Read more
bullet November 1, 2006. Visitar announced 360° Care viaVisitar Version 2.0 for innovative customer relationship management (CRM) and sales force automation (SFA) solutions that link rich telephony capabilities with business applications to improve efficiency and enhance customer and employee interactions. Core interaction capabilities of Visitar solutions are based on OpenRules®. See presentation
bullet October 17, 2006. OpenRules, Inc. has been awarded a government contract “Automating Business Rules Creation Using Machine Learning Models” issued by the National Headquarters Office of Research, Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
bullet September 18, 2006. OpenRules announced the availability of a new major OpenRules Release 3.0 that dramatically simplifies OpenRules configuration and integration problems
bullet August 25, 2006. A major international bank successfully completed development of an OpenRules-based engine that drives risk calculation and security rules for a strategic application within the bank. Contact us for details and references.
bullet March 27, 2006. Raleigh, NC. Visitar announced general availability of its SaaS service that uses OpenRules for interactive configuration of its multi-tenant product that integrates CRM with computer telephony. 
bullet May 20, 2006. OpenRules, Inc. introduced a Jump-Start service designed to make a customer team productive and self-sufficient with OpenRules as quickly as possible.  The service is available for US and European customers
bullet February 6, 2006. OpenRules  2.3.0 enhances web development tools and upgrades 3rd party tools.
bullet November 01, 2005. OpenRules 2.2.1 supports JDK 5.0 and Eclipse 3.1 and includes a Java library to support dynamic dialogs.
bullet October 5, 2005. OpenRules at the International Business Rules Forum in Orlando on November 6-10, 2005.
bullet September 7, 2005. OpenRules 2.2.0 essentially simplifies integration with different web application servers
bullet August 8, 2005. OpenRules published an implementation of "LoanDynamics", a web application that supports a dynamic loan approval process and demonstrates the ability to dynamically add/delete/modify different securities related to an initial loan application.
bullet May 6, 2005. Big Faceless Organization (BFO), the leading global provider of Java reporting solutions, announces partnership with OpenRules, Inc.
bullet May 5,2005. OpenRules 2.1.0 improves Web Interaction and multi-platform support.
bullet April 18, 2005. Web services into its new online marketplace.
bullet March 16, 2005. OpenRules Release 2 moves beyond a pure BRMS to Web Application Development announcing availability of a new Open Source Suite of tools "OpenRules-2" that supports development and deployment of dynamic Web Applications with Forms Layouts and Interaction Rules defined in Excel.
bullet November 8-11, 2004. OpenRules successfully exhibited at the International Business Rules Forum in Las Vegas
bullet November 5, 2004. OpenRules Release 1.1 is available for free downloads.

bullet October 30, 2004. OpenRules delivers to IRS a new phase of the Strategic Compliance Planning Model (SCPM). 

bullet May 28, 2004. A new enhanced OpenRules Release 1.0.2 has been announced.

bullet May 6, 2004. selected OpenRules to enhance its online marketplace.

bullet April 19,2004. A new OpenRules Release 1.0.1 is available for downloads.
bullet December 12, 2003. The first public release of OpenRules.  OpenRules is available for free downloads as an Open Source BRMS product.

bullet November 8, 2003. OpenRules has been successfully used for a complex loan approval application. See a presentation at the 6th Business Rules Forum (adjusted to OpenRules).
bullet November 1, 2003. A beta release of OpenRules is available upon requests.

