Open Your Business Rules!
Operational Decision Services
OpenRules Classic: Commercial Licenses
Licenses Packaged with Support
Discount Options
Customers who prefer not to be restricted by the terms of GPL need to purchase OpenRules non-GPL licenses for a low fee (if compare with commercial counterparts). Commercially licensed customers are not bound to the requirement of making their own application open source and they receive commercially supported software with warranty from OpenRules, Inc.
Typical examples when you need to purchase commercial licenses include (but not limited to) the following cases:
Incorporating OpenRules into applications that are not licensed under the GPL or a GPL-compatible license
Selling software that includes OpenRules to customers who install the software on their own machines
Selling software that requires customers to install OpenRules themselves on their own machines
Selling services using SaaS models based on software that includes OpenRules
Distributing a free demo or trail version of your applications that requires OpenRules.
commercial non-GPL license covers one installation
of OpenRules Software on any single computer, provided the
Software is in use on only one computer at any time.
The Software is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded
into temporary memory (RAM) or installed into the permanent
memory of a computer. One license allows you to
install 1 copy of our software on any single physical or
virtual machine, provided this installation is in use on
only one machine at any time.
With one license the Software can be installed on no more than one application server. There are no restrictions on the number of applications installed on the same server and that share the same installation of the Software. There are no restrictions on the number of CPUs on this computer. There are no restrictions on the number of clients using server-based applications.
Contact to request the commercial license text.
You may also purchase commercial licenses together with one of our commercial support packages.
Non-Profits, Academic Institutions, and Startups. If you represent a non-profit organization, an academic institution, or a startup with a very limited funding and if you have strong reasons to not open-source your application, you may apply to OpenRules for discounted commercial licenses and such applications will be carefully considered.