Open Your Business Rules!                     
Rules-based Operational Decision Services

Release Notes 6.1.2 (Sep-2011)

OpenRules Release 6.1.2 is a minor release that extends the Decisioning functionality and fixes several bugs found in the latest releases. Here is a summary of changes:

  1. The standard Decision Templates now support attributes of the type HashMap inside the Glossary, allowing a user to put/get variables dynamically - see a new sample project "DecisionWithMap" with ConditionMap and ActionMap columns.
  2. A new operator "Add" allows rule conclusions adding new arrays to the end of the existing arrays. When this operator is used with DecisionTable1 or DecisionTable2, different rules can accumulate multiple values within the same array of strings. See the enhanced sample "DecisionUpCell".
  3. We extended the use of arrays in conclusions of Decision Tables. Now data types with arrays may be defined not only in Java but directly in Excel Datatype tables as well.
  4. New operators "Starts With" and "Contains" have been added to allow more manipulations with string inside rule conditions.
  5. We have fixed a recently introduced bug in the interpretation of some real intervals for the FromToDouble type.
  6. We have fixed a bug that prevented the use of formulas like ::= getDate("Patient Birthday") inside Decision Table conclusions/actions. Here "Patient Birthday" is an entry inside a Glossary that has type Date. Now you can use similar formulas that return a date instead of using a constant like "11/6/2007".  They will work fine for both situations when a cell that contains the formula is defined in Excel using either "Date" format or "text" format.

You may download the latest OpenRules release 6.1.2 from OpenRules team appreciates active customer feedback to previous releases. Please post your comments and suggestions to the Google Discussion Group.

